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Select Stop for YB - PM - YELLOW-BLUE ROUTE - PM

1: Cottonwood Library - Loop

Scheduled Departure Time: 5:15 PM

2: Mingus Ave & 8th (By Walking Bridge) - Loop

3: Old Circle K - Loop

Scheduled Departure Time: 5:17 PM

4: S. Main St. / E. Aspen St - Loop

5: S. Main St / E. Cherry St. - Loop

6: S. Main St. / SR 89A (Walgreen's) - Loop

7: S Main St at SR 89A (Food City) - Loop

Scheduled Departure Time: 5:20 PM

8: S Main at Super 8 Hotel - Loop

9: 89A at Hwy 260 (Parkway Retail Plaza) - Loop

10: Hwy 260 at Fir St (Jack in the Box) - Loop

Scheduled Departure Time: 5:21 PM

11: Hwy 260 / Rodeo Dr (Walmart) - Loop

12: Del Rio Dr / Eagle View Dr - Loop

13: Del Rio Dr at Warriors Run - Loop

Scheduled Departure Time: 5:26 PM

14: Grand View Dr / Mohave Ln - Loop

15: Pipe Creek Dr / E Colt Cir - Loop

16: Pipe Creek Dr / Western Dr - Loop

17: Western Dr / Pleasant Valley Dr - Loop

18: Western Dr at Village Dr (VV Clubhouse Sign) - Loop

Scheduled Departure Time: 5:31 PM

19: Western Dr / Pinto Trail - Loop

20: Eastern Dr / Roundup Trail - Loop

21: Del Rio Dr / Navajo Dr - Loop

22: Del Rio Dr / Manzanita Trail - Loop

23: Del Rio Dr at Puma Cir - Loop

Scheduled Departure Time: 5:38 PM

24: Goddard Rd / Hwy 260 (The Manor Office) - Loop

Scheduled Departure Time: 5:40 PM

25: Hwy 260 at Goddard Rd (Fire Station) - Loop

26: Walmart Garden Center - Loop

Scheduled Departure Time: 5:43 PM

27: Hwy 260 (CVS Pharmacy) - Loop

28: Cove Pkwy / S Main St - Loop

29: Cove Pkwy at Mt Hope - Loop

30: Cottonwood St at Sawmill Rd - Loop

Scheduled Departure Time: 5:46 PM

31: 89A / 12th St (APS) - Loop

32: Cottonwood St at 6th St - Loop

Scheduled Departure Time: 5:51 PM

33: Cottonwood St at 3rd St - Loop

34: E Cottonwood St / S Willard St (Spectrum Clinic) - Loop

Scheduled Departure Time: 5:52 PM

35: Willard St. (Urgent Care / VA) - Loop

36: Willard St at 89A (Tres Tregres) - Loop

37: VVMC - Health Care Center - Loop

38: VVMC - Main Entrance - Loop

Scheduled Departure Time: 5:54 PM

39: Willard St / Paula Cir - Loop

40: Mingus Ave / Willard St (Shelter at CW Village) - Loop

41: Cottonwood Library - Loop

Scheduled Departure Time: 5:57 PM